Open Door or Window Detection

When using Schedy for heating control and you’ve got window sensors, you might want to have the thermostats in a room turned off when a window is opened. We can achieve this with a single additional schedule rule for an unlimited number of windows.

We assume that our window sensors for the living room are named binary_sensor.living_window_1 and binary_sensor.living_window_2 and report "on" as their state when the particular window is opened.

To make this solution scale to multiple windows in multiple rooms without creating additional rules, we add a new custom attribute to our window sensors via the customize.yaml file that holds the name of the Schedy room the sensor belongs to.

  window_room: living

  window_room: living

Now, a new rule which overlais the temperature with OFF when a window in the current room is open is added. We place it at the top of the schedule_prepend configuration section to have it applied to all rooms as their first rule.

This code checks all binary_sensor entities found in Home Assistant for a window_room attribute with the current room’s name as its value and a state of "on". This way it finds all window sensors of the current room that report to be open. The is_empty() function is used with the filter_entities() generator to have searching aborted as soon as one open window is found rather than always checking all entities. Feel free to break this single-line expression into multiple statements if you prefer clarity over conciseness.

- x: "Mark(OFF, Mark.OVERLAY) if not is_empty(filter_entities('binary_sensor', window_room=room_name, state='on')) else Next()"

Now, we add the window sensors to the watched_entities of the living room.

- "binary_sensor.living_window_1"
- "binary_sensor.living_window_2"

That’s it. Don’t forget to restart Home Assistant after editing customize.yaml.