
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.








0.8.3 - 2020-03-19


  • Fixed placeholder insertion in generic2 actor service data. (#50)

0.8.2 - 2020-02-21


  • Hotfix for an issue causing infinite recursion at delayed actor initialization on AppDaemon 4 (see home-assistant/appdaemon#773).

0.8.1 - 2020-02-05


  • Fixed possible TypeError when using the generic2 actor type. (#47)
  • The generic2 actor type now correctly handles service names in the usual <domain>.<name> format.

0.8.0 - 2020-02-03


  • Fixed indentation in sample configuration in docs.


  • Added new generic2 actor type which is more flexible than the old generic.


  • The switch actor type is now driven by the new generic2 actor type. Functionality and syntax stays all the same.

0.7.0 - 2019-12-04


  • An overlay will now be applied even when the scheduled value won’t change.


  • Infinite retrying of value sending to an actor is no longer supported, meaning send_retries: -1 is now a configuration error. Use a reasonably high value instead if you really need excessive retrying.
  • Simplified internal handling of IncludeSchedule(). If this causes problems with existing configurations, please file an issue.


  • The previous name Skip for the Next expression result type has been removed.
  • The OVERLAY_REVERT_ON_NO_RESULT marker has been removed, it’s the default now.

0.6.0 - 2019-09-27


  • Fixed a regression due to which setting an actor’s send_retries: 0 led to infinite re-sending if the actor didn’t respond as expected.
  • Fixed a race condition between Mark.OVERLAY and re-scheduling timers. (#35)


  • The Skip expression result type has been renamed to Next, which better describes its purpose.
  • The behaviour of the OVERLAY_REVERT_ON_NO_RESULT result marker now is the default with OVERLAY. The marker will be removed.


  • 0.7: The previous name Skip for the Next expression result type will be removed.
  • 0.7: The OVERLAY_REVERT_ON_NO_RESULT marker will be removed, it’s the default now.


  • The end_plus_days rule parameter has been removed in favor of the new day shifts specified with start and end.
  • The expression_modules setting has been removed in favor of the new expression_environment.

0.5.0 - 2019-07-20


  • Fixed a bug in schedule.next_results() expression helper that caused some result changes to be skipped.
  • Simplified the algorithm that decides whether a rule is active or not at a given point in time. It should now handle all rules spanning multiple days correctly.


  • Added expression_environment setting which allows providing arbitrary variables for the expression evaluation environment.


  • The start and end rule parameters now accept day shifts, deprecating the former end_plus_days.
  • Constraints of rules with a sub-schedule attached are now only validated for the day at which a particular rule starts. Hence rules of such sub-schedules spanning midnight will now run until they’re intended to end.
  • Home Assistant 0.96 introduced breaking changes in the climate API. Operation modes have been renamed into HVAC modes, which is why the thermostat actor settings for operation modes now have new names. See the actor docs for details.


  • 0.6: The end_plus_days rule parameter will be removed in favor of the new day shifts specified with start and end.
  • 0.6: The expression_modules setting will be removed in favor of the new expression_environment.


  • Some settings of the thermostat actor have been removed in one run with the adaptations needed to support the new climate API of Home Assistant 0.96.

0.4.0 - 2019-02-24


  • Fixed name of value_parameter setting for generic actor in docs.
  • Schedules were re-evaluated when the value of a not watched attribute of a watched entity changes.


  • Added new result marker OVERLAY_REVERT_ON_NO_RESULT to cancel an overlay when the schedule produces no result.
  • Result markers can now be added by postprocessors as well.
  • The generic actor has received new features (short values and sending of attributes in reversed order). See the actor sample config for details.


  • The wanted value of a room is not sent to actors at startup when replicate_changes has been disabled in the room’s configuration.


  • The old name schedy_reschedule for the schedy_reevaluate event has been removed.

0.3.0 - 2019-01-05


  • It’s no longer possible to create cycles when including schedules. The backwards resolution of rule values still works, it just treats IncludeSchedule() results for schedules already on the stack as if they were Inherit() and hence ignores them.
  • The filter_entities() state helper returned no entities in certain cases.


  • Schedy can now re-evaluate schedules automatically when the state of entities changes. See the new watched_entities settings.
  • Range specifications for constraints can now be inverted by prepending them with !.
  • Added the Inherit() result type to inherit the parent rule’s value. None will continue to work as well, but Inherit() is more explanatory and thus preferred.
  • When an expression fails to evaluate, the traceback is now logged.


  • Various small improvements of the examples for using expressions.
  • The schedy_reschedule event has been renamed to schedy_reevaluate. The old name will cease to work in version 0.4.
  • The documentation for writing schedules has been restructured.


  • 0.4: The old name schedy_reschedule for the schedy_reevaluate event will be removed.


  • The old name Negate for the Invert postprocessor has been removed.
  • The And and Or postprocessors habe been removed. Use the generic Postprocess instead.

0.2.0 - 2018-12-23

Merry Christmas to all users of hass-apps! Thank you for putting your trust in Schedy.


  • All expressions of schedule rules specified in the YAML configuration should be enclosed in quotes to force the parser to treat them as strings. A note has been added to the documentation and all examples were updated accordingly.


  • Added the Postprocess postprocessor that can be used to post-process the scheduling result in a completely custom way.


  • The rules configured as schedule_prepend, the individual room’s schedule and those configured as schedule_append are now combined into the final room’s schedule as three separate sub-schedules. This implies that Break(), when returned from the top level, will now only break the individual section of the schedule it stands in. Break() in a schedule_prepend section will e.g. only cause the remaining rules of the schedule_prepend section to be skipped and continue with the individual room’s schedule. Use Abort() (recommended) or Break(2) to achieve the old behaviour.
  • The generic actor has been reworked to support controlling multiple attributes at once. Its configuration schema has changed as well, so please consult the documentation for migrating.
  • Preliminary results are now called postprocessors. Syntax and names stay unchanged.
  • The Negate postprocessor has been renamed to Invert. The old name will cease to work in version 0.3.


  • 0.3: The old name Negate for the Invert postprocessor will be removed.
  • 0.3: The And and Or postprocessors will be removed. Use the generic Postprocess instead.

0.1.1 - 2018-12-11


  • Lowered delay after which a schedy_reschedule event is processed from 3 to 1 second.

0.1.0 - 2018-12-09


  • Initial release.