
There is no graphical user interface for configuring Schedy. You’ll have to express your configuration and schedules in a YAML file. However, if you’ve ever written an automation or script in Home Assistant, this is nothing you should be worried about.

This is a full configuration example with comments on each available setting. Copy it to a .yaml file in your apps directory and adapt it to your needs. The default values are provided as well. If you don’t need a particular setting, omit it or leave it commented out.

schedy:  # An arbitrary name for this instance of Schedy,
         # needed e.g. for addressing events to it.
  # Obligatory settings that tell appdaemon where to find the app.
  # You shouldn't need to change these two.
  module: hass_apps_loader
  class: SchedyApp

  # Enable debugging output
  #debug: false

  # By default, Schedy tries to restore its previous state at startup
  # from the records stored in Home Assistant. This includes scheduled
  # values, manual adjustments and re-scheduling times - just everything.
  # When this behaviour is not desired, change this setting to true
  # and Schedy will just apply the schedules at startup, no matter what
  # the previous actor states were.
  #reset_at_startup: false

  # If you enable this option, potentially harmful expressions received
  # in schedy_set_value events are evaluated.
  #expressions_from_events: false

  # This Python script is executed when a schedule rule expression needs to be
  # evaluated. All modules you import and variables you set here will be available when
  # your expression is evaluated. You can even declare classes and functions. The
  # result types and expression helpers can be used in this script as well.
  # Note: Don't expect this script to be executed as often as the number of rules
  # you have in your schedules. The expression evaluation environment is built the
  # first time a rule needs to be evaluated and then reused for all subsequent
  # rules during that schedule evaluation turn.
  #expression_environment: |
  #  import math
  #  import time as _time
  #  something = "value"

  # Chose the type of actors that should be controlled by this instance
  # of Schedy.
  # Possible types can be found in the documentation.
  #actor_type: <required>

  # In the following config block, you may define templates with
  # settings that affect multiple actors in your setup. These can then be
  # used as a starting point for the configuration of individual actors.
  # Nested inclusion of templates is possible as well.

    # By default, an actor inherits its settings from the "default" template.

      # Optionally have this template based on another one.
      #template: other_template

      # Actor type-specific settings can be found in the documentation.
      #foo: bar

    # More templates ...
    # ...

  # Add schedule rules you want to have prepended to each room's schedule
  # automatically here.

  # Add schedule rules you want to have appended to each room's schedule
  # automatically here.

  # Optionally, configure schedule snippets (lists of rules) that can
  # be included by expressions dynamically. See the documentation for
  # an example on how to use them.

    #- ...

  # When you use expressions in your schedules that query the state of
  # entities, you should tell Schedy which entities the schedules depend
  # on. It can then watch for state changes of these and re-evaluate
  # schedules automatically.
  # Note: Entities listed here trigger a re-evaluation in all rooms. For
  # entities only used in the schedules of particular rooms, use the
  # per-room watched_entities list.

    # Each entry has to be a string consisting of up to three
    # colon-separated parts:
    # 1. The id of the entity to watch. This is mandatory.
    # 2. Which attributes to watch for changes of, either a single
    #    attribute or a comma-separated list.
    #    The special value "all" listens for changes of any attribute. Try
    #    to avoid this whenever possible as it can increase the load
    #    significantly.
    #    Default: "state"
    # 3. The re-evaluation mode as known from the schedy_reevaluate event.
    #    The special mode "ignore" causes no re-evaluation, it just
    #    suppresses the warnings generated when the entity is queried from
    #    an expression.
    #    Default: "reevaluate"
    # Examples:
    # - "binary_sensor.motion"
    # - "binary_sensor.motion:all"
    # - "binary_sensor.motion::reset"
    # - "binary_sensor.motion:state,other_attribute:reset"
    # - "binary_sensor.motion:all:ignore"

  # Configure your rooms here.

    # Create such a block for every room you want to control.

      # An alternative friendly name to display in logs.
      #friendly_name: ...

      # When you disable this setting, Schedy won't allow actors to
      # change their value to something different from the scheduled
      # one or the one set by a schedy_set_value event. Actors
      # that change their value are then set back to the wanted one
      # immediately.
      #allow_manual_changes: true

      # This setting controls whether changes reported by one actor
      # should automatically be replicated to the other ones in this
      # particular room.
      #replicate_changes: true

      # Set this value to a number of minutes and Schedy will
      # automatically again apply the schedule after a manual change has
      # been made. If you, for instance, use the thermostat actor type,
      # change the target temperature at one of your thermostats and
      # this value is set to 120, Schedy will again apply the schedule
      # two hours after you made the change.
      # 0 means not re-schedule before the next scheduled value change
      # occurs.
      #rescheduling_delay: 0

      # All actors of this room go here.

        # This could be a thermostat.
        # NOTE: Don't forget the colon after the entity id.

          # Choose the template this actor should inherit its settings
          # from.
          # By default, an actor inherits its settings from the "default"
          # template, given that you defined it.
          #template: default

          # We could, for instance, overwrite the delta defined in the
          # template for this particular thermostat only.
          #delta: 0.0

      # The room's schedule, consisting of multiple rules.
      #- ...

      # The same as the global watched_entities above, but these only
      #  trigger a re-evaluation for this particular room.
      #- ...

  # Configure statistical parameters to be collected.

    # Pick an arbitrary name for the parameter instance.
      # The type of parameter as found in the actor'S documentation.
      #type: <required>
      # More parameter-specific settings ...

    # More parameter instances ...