State Helpers

These helpers can be used to retrieve the state of entities from Home Assistant.


is_on(entity_id: str) -> bool

Returns True if the state of the given entity is "on" (case-insensitive), False otherwise.


is_off(entity_id: str) -> bool

Returns True if the state of the given entity is "off" (case-insensitive), False otherwise.


There is a difference between using is_off(...) and not is_on(...). These helper functions only compare the state of the specified entity to the values "off" and "on", respectively. If you want to treat a non-existing entity (which’s state is returned as None) as if it was "off", you have to use not is_on(...) since is_off(...) would return False in this case.


state(entity_id: str = None, attribute: str = None) -> Any

A shortcut for app.get_state().

It generates a warning when an entity is queried for which no watch has been configured via watched_entities. That’s why you should always use this helper instead of calling app.get_state() directly.


filter_entities(entities: Union[str, List[str]] = None, **criteria: Any) -> Iterable[str]

From a given set of entities, this function yields only those with a state and/or attributes matching all given criteria.

Entities may either be specified as a single string (full entity id or domain), a list of such strings, or as None, which means all entities found in Home Assistant.


# entities with a state of "on"
for entity in filter_entities(state="on"):

# binary_sensor and input_boolean entities having a room attribute with the value "living"
for entity in filter_entities(["binary_sensor", "input_boolean"], room="living"):